When opening Outlook, or after selecting one of the Avid folders, you might get an error “Your user information could not be retrieved from Avid. Please confirm your server URL is correct”.
This can happen if your company’s Avid server is not working, or if its configuration has been changed.
It can also happen if the server’s security Certificate has expired.
Of if there’s a problem with your Internet connection.
Or if there was an error during Avid’s installation.
You will need to know your Avid “On Premise server” address.
You can get it from your IT.
Or another Avid user can select one of the Avid folders, click Avid’s Tools button to open Avid Administrator.
Select the “On Premise server” address.
Solutions – Certificate
You can check your site’s certificate if your Avid server address uses https.
Navigate to your company’s Avid Admin sebsite. It will be like this, but with your server’s address.
https://[ Your ServerName ]/prophet/admin/login.aspx
Click the icon to the left of the address, which will probably show “Not secure” with https crossed out in red.
Click the Certificate’s “Show certificate details” icon, ▶ .
If it’s not still valid, let your IT know that the Certificate needs to be updated.
Solutions – Next Steps
Reboot the server if nothing else critical is running on it.
If there are still problems, have your IT review the Avid server’s logs.
If they don’t determine the solution, get them Support’s contact details and we’ll debug with them.
If you have any trouble going through the steps or would like help, please call Avidian Prophet Technical Support at 855-284-3426 x2.
You can also send email to or create a support ticket here.