You observe duplicate companies or contacts in Avid.
You can merge companies and contacts.
* PLEASE NOTE that the newest Contact’s data will prevail and that blank fields in the newer record won’t overwrite data in the older record.
Merge Prep: The Company or Contact record that has the most recent “Modified Date and Time” stamp will be considered the PRIMARY RECORD. The Primary Record is what determines which record and its contents will prevail over the older records once merged. NOTE: There are 4 data points that are consolidated rather than overwritten during the merge process.
- User assigned to each individual record will continue to be listed as a User on the final merged record.
- Contacts on Company record will be compiled into a robust list of Contacts that report to the merged organization
- NOTES taken on each individual record within the Company or Contact record will be consolidated on the merged record. The Primary Notes will be listed first, and the duplicate records will be placed just beneath the Primary notes. These notes once consolidated will not necessarily appear in chronological order.
- A consolidated list off Opportunities will appear within the finalized MERGED record. (i.e. If 2 Opportunities were listed on the Primary Company or Contact Record and 4 Opportunities existed on the secondary record, once merged this Company or Contact record would have a list of 6 Opportunities for your review).
It is recommended that you create a view that includes key information that you will want to validate/compare prior to merging to ensure you understand what will be consolidated verses overwritten.
CONTACT: Modified Date/Time, Users, First Name, Last Name, Email, Company, Website, Address, City, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code, Business Phone, Mobile (and any other data you wish to compare)
COMPANY: Modified Date/Time, Users, Company, Website, Address, City, State/Province, Zip/Postal Code, Business Phone, Mobile (and any other data you wish to compare)
Here are steps for Contacts:
1) Highlight two or more contacts, right click and click Merge Contacts.
2) After clicking Merge Contacts, you will have an opportunity to update any of fields displayed.
3) Click Merge and the data will be combined, and the older one(s) deleted.
Here are steps for Companies:
1) Highlight two or more Companies, right click and click Merge Companies.
2) After clicking Merge Companies, you will have an opportunity to update any of fields displayed.
3) Click Merge and the data will be combined, and the older one(s) deleted.
If you have any trouble going through the steps or would like help, please call Avidian Prophet Technical Support at 855-284-3426 x2.
You can also send email to or create a support ticket here.