When installing Avid, you get a File Error that “Access is denied”. This is usually only with a new PC where Avid has never been installed.

Please verify the path matches your Windows login, C:\Users\Your Windows Login\Documents… You can do that by entering %homepath% in File Explorer or Windows Start/Search.

E.g. mine is Anoth(short for AnotherCat ?)

If the path doesn’t match, then Avid was at some point installed for another user.
If the path does match, the problem could be caused by your Virus Checker.
Most Virus Checkers don’t interfere with Avid’s installation, but we’ve sometimes needed to temporarily disable them. E.g.:
K7 Total Security
Please contact your IT if you’re unsure how to disable your virus checker, or don’t have permissions.
Once Avid installation is completed, you can re-enable the Virus Checker.
If you have any trouble going through the steps or would like help, please call Avidian Prophet Technical Support at 855-284-3426 x2.
You can also send email to or create a support ticket here.